Monday, May 31, 2010

Reuters is not an objective news source on global warming fraud, buys carbon trading website

5/27/10, Reuters: "Thomson Reuters Corp said on Thursday it will buy Point Carbon A/S, a Norwegian company that provides news and trading analytics for the energy and environmental markets.

  • Point Carbon ( provides analysis and news about the carbon, oil, gas and other energy markets to banks, traders, portfolio managers,
  • companies and governments, Thomson Reuters said.

The purchase price was not disclosed.

The agreement to buy Point Carbon comes as public concern about global warming and rising energy consumption grows and

Last year, Thomson Reuters rival Bloomberg LP bought New Energy Finance, a company that provides similar services.

One of the more popular ways to trade in the energy sector with an eye on the environment is through carbon markets, where

  • investors buy and sell "carbon credits."

These are created when governments cap the amount of greenhouse gases that factories and other polluters emit. Companies that do not use their full allotment can sell their excess credits to those that need them to meet their cap....

  • The global carbon market grew 6 percent last year to $144 billion, the World Bank said this week."...
"Thomson Reuters to buy Norway's Point Carbon" via Tom Nelson


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Yearning for global warming legislation even after knowing global warming does not exist, leaves only 1 conclusion

NY Times is concerned people knowing catastrophic man-made global warming does not exist will make crippling legislation tougher to pass. Not worried that for decades--with major help from the Times--thugs have
5/29/10, Sheppard, American Thinker: "Of course, the (NY) Times abhor the new public awareness as it
  • “will make it harder to pass legislation like a fuel tax increase and to persuade people to make sacrifices to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”
But shouldn’t facts drive policy?
  • Not according to Greenpeace spokesman Ben Stewart, quoted by the Times complaining that “[l]egitimacy has shifted to the side of the climate skeptics, and that is
  • a big, big problem.”"
"Are climate alarmists losing the mainstream media?"
  • Pollution and sinking islands due to CO2 endangerment are two different things. ed.


Monday, May 24, 2010

George Soros (the actual president) continues to divert US tax dollars to global warming scams

"...national governments could withhold large quantities of permits from the market to raise demand and increase their price, according to officials who had seen the latest draft....

Ms. Hedegaard also would leave the way open to recognizing future credits from reductions made overseas, including the existing U.N. system

If the European Commission agrees on the report Wednesday, it then would formally call on E.U. heads of state and governments to consider the proposals at a summit meeting on June 17." ********

Carbon trading--the real ClimateGate


Sunday, May 23, 2010

New lead-in for Oakland A's games on KTRB brings listeners

5/21- Oakland A's flagship 860 Xtra/KTRB airs Michael Savage radio show which Rich Lieberman notes is bringing in new listeners to the station.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Catastrophe for UN cap and trade scam, mismanagement, Goldman Sachs faces loss-5/19/10-Bloomberg

5/19/10 "Emission traders’ most-profitable credits, linked to greenhouse gases considered
  • more harmful than carbon dioxide,
are dragging the United Nations carbon market to
  • its biggest discount in a year.

The UN faces a devaluation of the tradable credits it gives investors that pay for projects to reduce hydrofluorocarbons, or HFCs,

  • because the European Union may favor alternatives such as windfarms to combat global warming.

UN offsets for 2012 traded at 4.02 euros ($4.90) a metric ton less than comparable EU permits, almost twice the spread at the end of last year.

  • Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Royal Dutch Shell Plc are among investors that may get lower returns amid a clampdown

on HFCs, which are known as “super gases” because they can trap 11,700 times more heat per molecule than CO2. Bloomberg New Energy Finance said the UN market may fall into two tiers by 2013, with “low quality” offsets dropping to about 7 euros versus 11 euros for those not affected by any EU discount.

  • The market believes these offsets are environmentally tainted”

because it is marking down HFC projects, said Alex Desbarres, an energy analyst with Datamonitor in London, which provides analysis of energy markets....

Ozone Layer...

About half of the 408.8 million credits issued since October 2005 by the UN’s Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), the second-largest emission markets, stem from plans to cut HFCs.

The projects are profitable because investors can get credits valued at hundreds of millions of euros

  • after spending about $12 million to construct and $2 million a year to operate facilities that burn away HFCs before they escape into the atmosphere, according to World Bank estimates.

Tires and Chemicals

For example, Indian tire and chemicals maker SRF Ltd. may get 32.6 million UN offsets through 2012 from its project to reduce HFC emissions at a facility in Rajasthan, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Those credits would be worth 397 million euros at yesterday’s closing price of 12.19 euros for 2012 CER futures.

  • Investors in the project, which already received 16.5 million credits, include BNP Paribas SA, Barclays Plc, Climate Change Capital, EDF SA, Enel SpA and Goldman, the UN data show.

Those returns are in jeopardy as the EU considers restrictions

  • on how UN offsets can be used in Europe’s cap-and- trade program, the world’s largest. The EU may force emitters to use two tons of HFC credits to get one ton of EU compliance after 2012, according to a draft of a European Commission paper circulated last month. EU leaders are set to consider the suggestions in June.

In other energy markets, a new plan for cutting U.S. greenhouse gases by creating a cap-and-trade system for carbon dioxide

  • includes trading limits that will drive up costs,
  • the International Emissions Trading Association said. The U.S. plan banned the use of HFC offsets.


Too many UN emissions offsets are being awarded to HFC projects and other industrial gas systems, according to the EU draft. The overuse of those credits “hampers the evolution towards using the carbon market to incentivize cost effective reductions in other areas,” the draft said.

  • There is currently no exchange-traded market for CERs beyond 2012. The ECX, the biggest bourse for carbon trading, may introduce post-2012 CERs with restrictions at an unspecified time, Patrick Birley, chief executive officer, said in an interview.

Doubts about the Clean Development Mechanism may extend for months or years. This November’s global climate summit in Mexico may focus on the “architecture” for reducing global warming rather than a binding agreement, the UN said.

The UN system provides a needed incentive to destroy HFCs, Yvo de Boer, the outgoing head of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, said yesterday in an interview in Manama, Bahrain.

Very Disappointing’

  • It is very disappointing for developing countries that want to bring a certain carbon commodity onto the international market to then discover that certain key buyers are not interested in buying that commodity,” de Boer said...

“If the EU introduces strong quality restrictions, the CER market may fragment into a market for low quality and a market for high quality CERs,” Aimie Parpia, an analyst at Bloomberg New Energy Finance in London, said in a May 12 interview.

  • A two-tiered UN market is “logical,” said Mark Meyrick, head of the carbon desk in Rotterdam at the trading unit of Eneco Holding NV, the Dutch utility.

The EU should consider allowing high-quality credits linked to reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation in developing countries, known as REDD Plus offsets, Meyrick said.

  • “It’s more environmentally credible to allow REDD Plus credits in the EU program after 2012 than proportions

of industrial-gas credits,” he said."

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Climate bill written by lobbyists and profiteers like Exelon to finally extinguish the American middle class

"But the windfall, arranged by politicians, comes from average American families. The company (Exelon) even admits the whole sordid mess in a Forbes article from earlier this year:

"Exelon needs that legislation to happen sooner rather than later. Without a carbon price of some sort, Exelon's fortunes aren't so bright.... 'The conundrums are real,' [Exelon CEO John] Rowe acknowledges. 'There's nothing that's going to drive Exelon's profit in the next couple of years wildly. It just isn't going to happen.'

Except, of course, carbon legislation. And because of that, the company views spending on

  • lobbying for legislation almost like a capital expense....
  • Exelon has very deep ties to the Obama Administration.

Frank M. Clark, who runs ComEd, helped advise Obama before he ran for President and is one of Obama's largest fundraisers. Obama's chief political strategist, David Axelrod, worked as a consultant to Exelon. Obama's chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, helped create Exelon. Emanuel was hired by Rowe to help broker the $8.2 billion deal between Unicom and Peco when Emanuel was at the investment bank Wasserstein Perella (now Dresdner Kleinwort). In his two-year career there

  • Emanuel earned $16.2 million, according to congressional disclosures.

The (Forbes) article details how Exelon wrote the provisions allocating the energy use "allowances", or ration coupons.

Reference: "Exelon's carbon advantage," Forbes, 12/31/09, J. Fahey, via Climate Depot


Saturday, May 01, 2010

MLB has no tears for Rape Trees in Arizona, rewards Mexico with World Baseball Classic money

For MLB and its steno pool RAPE TREES ARE OK, but asking anyone for ID is a crime. MLB rewards this kind of behavior by drooling over Mexico and giving them the World Baseball Classic.

  • Top photo one of many Rape Trees in Arizona left by Mexicans who brought young girls over the border and raped them. By all means, address this by canceling the All Star game in Arizona as per sycophant Bud Selig girly men. ed.
"A recent report from the Cronkite News Service, a student-run news service of Arizona State University, shed the national spotlight on a new immigration problem plaguing the desert border towns of Arizona:
Mexican drug cartel members and the coyotes, who smuggle immigrants across the border, are believed to rape the women as soon as they enter U.S. territory to instill fear, intimidate and control them. When the coyote-rapists are finished,
These “rape trees” are becoming more common along the Arizona border counties of Pima and Cochise, as coyotes and drug cartel members find human trafficking more lucrative than drug smuggling.
  • With the shrinking U.S. economy and high un-employment rate, fewer and fewer Mexican immigrants are crossing the borders for work. As the Mexican authorities push back against the drug cartels, it’s getting harder to smuggle drugs across the border. The result is the increased smuggling of young women, who are immediately forced into prostitution and slavery. "
""Rape Trees" frame Arizona-Mexico border: Grim Reminders," 3/16/09, Now Public
