Wall Street cash favors democrats, contrary to popular media spin
- "Media echo liberal claim they represent Main Street not Wall Street,
- but Democratic candidates receive more cash from firms boosted by bailout. "
A weak, exhausted electorate now all but a slave to international market scams (see current financial meltdown, Hank Paulson, Al Gore, Goldman Sachs, Hollywood, Soros, etc.) will fall easily with the final nail in the coffin: killing the last bit of US initiative in favor of carbon trading scams. ALL DONE THROUGH THE UNITED NATIONS, of course!:
Bloomberg says this move may halt construction plans for half of the 130 proposed new U.S. coal plants. Twenty-five U.S. states now get more than 50% of their electricity from coal.
This is something the Bush administration has resisted even after the Supreme Court in 2007 said the government has the authority to do so.
"In the absence of congressional action" 18 months after Obama's inauguration, the EPA would move ahead on its own, he warned."...