Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Power brokers switching from Global Warming to Global Cooling, which still will be your fault and therefore you must pay

9/26/10, "Global Cooling and the New World Order," UK Telegraph, J. Delingpole

"Bilderberg. Whether you believe it’s part of a sinister conspiracy which will lead inexorably to one world government or whether you think it’s just an innocent high-level talking shop, there’s one thing that can’t be denied: it knows which way the wind is blowing....

At its June meeting in Sitges, Spain (unreported and held in camera, as is Bilderberg’s way), some of the world’s most powerful CEOs rubbed shoulders with notable academics and leading politicians. They included:

  • the chairman of Fiat, the Irish Attorney General Paul Gallagher, the US special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan Richard Holbrooke, Henry Kissinger, Bill Gates, Dick Perle, the Queen of the Netherlands, the editor of the Economist….

Definitely not Z-list, in other words.

Which is what makes one particular item on the group’s discussion agenda so tremendously significant....
  • The 58th Bilderberg Meeting will be held in Sitges, Spain 3 – 6 June 2010. The Conference will deal mainly with Financial Reform, Security, Cyber Technology, Energy, Pakistan, Afghanistan, World Food Problem, Global Cooling, Social Networking, Medical Science, EU-US relations.

Yep, that’s right. Global Cooling.

Which means one of two things.

Either it was a printing error.

  • Or the global elite is perfectly well aware that global cooling represents a far more serious and imminent threat to the world than global warming,
  • but is so far unwilling to admit it except behind closed doors.

...Why this is a bombshell waiting to explode.

Almost every government in the Western world from the USA to Britain to all the other EU states to Australia and New Zealand is currently committed to a policy of “decarbonisation.” This in turn is justified to

  • (increasingly sceptical) electorates on the grounds that man-made CO2 is a prime driver of dangerous global warming and must therefore be reduced drastically, at no matter what social, economic and environmental cost. ...

The wheels are starting to come off the AGW bandwagon.

  • Ordinary people, resisting two decades of concerted brainwashing, are starting to notice.

All this, of course, spells big trouble for the global power elite. As well as leading to food shortages (as, for example, it becomes harder to grow wheat in northerly latitudes; adding, of course, to such already-present disasters as biofuels and the rejection of GM),

  • global cooling is going to find electorates increasingly angry that they have been sold a pup.

Our fuel bills have risen inexorably; our countryside, our views and our property values have been ravaged by hideous wind farms; our holidays have been made more expensive; our cost of living has been driven up by green taxes; our freedoms have been curtailed in any number of pettily irritating ways from what kind of light bulbs we are permitted to use to how we dispose of our rubbish.

  • And to what end?

If man-made global warming was really happening and really a problem we might possibly have carried on putting up with all these constraints on our liberty and assaults on our income. But if it turns out to have been a myth……

Well then, all bets are off.

The next few years are going to be very interesting. Watch the global power elite squirming to reposition itself as it slowly distances itself from Anthropogenic Global Warming (”Who? Us? No. We never thought of it as more than a quaint theory…”),

  • and tries to find new ways of justifying green taxation and control.

(Ocean acidification; biodiversity; et al). You’ll notice sly shifts in policy spin. In Britain, for example, Chris “Chicken Little” Huhne’s suicidal

  • dash for wind” will be re-invented as a vital step towards “energy security.”

There will be less talk of “combatting climate change” and more talk of “mitigation”. You’ll hear enviro-Nazis like Obama’s Science Czar John Holdren avoid reference to “global warming” like the plague, preferring the more reliably

  • vague phrase “global climate disruption.”

And you know what the worst thing is? If we allow them to, they’re going to get away with it.

  • Our duty as free citizens over the next few years is to make sure that they don’t.

Al Gore, George Soros, Bill Gates, Carol Browner, John Holdren, Barack Obama, David Cameron, Ed Miliband, Tim Yeo, Michael Mann, Ted Turner, Robert Redford, Phil Jones, Chris Huhne, John Howard (yes really, he was supposed to be a conservative, but he was the man who kicked off Australia’s ETS), Julia Gillard, Kevin Rudd, Yvo de Boer, Rajendra Pachauri….(AND MICHAEL BLOOMBERG, ed.)

  • The list of the guilty goes on and on. Each in his own way – and whether through ignorance, naivety idealism or cynicism, it really doesn’t matter for the result has been the same – has done his bit to push

the greatest con-trick in the history of science, forcing on global consumers the biggest bill in the history taxation, using “global warming” as an excuse to extend the reach of government further than it has ever gone before.

  • It is time we put a stop to this.

In the US, the Tea Party movement is showing us the way. We need to punish these dodgy politicians at the ballot box. We need to ensure that those scientists guilty of malfeasance are, at the very least thrown out of the jobs which

  • we taxpayers have been funding these last decades.

We need to ensure that corporatist profiteers are no longer able to benefit from the distortion and corruption of the markets

  • which result from green regulation.

We need a “Global Warming” Nuremberg."


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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The same people who bring us the postal service tell us man made global warming exists even if data can't be checked, keep quiet and pay

Claims that 'science says' 'it's the hottest ever,' and the like come from the same people who run the post office, ie the federal government. These data, especially the "land surface temperatures" are used to make 'global warming' policy, requiring billions in reparations be paid by Americans ASAP and continuing on a fixed date annually, not subject to negotiation.
Mr. Peilke notes all kinds of people are starting to ask questions about land surface temperature data, up to the
  • 'highest level of government.'
He writes that climate scientists at a recent Exeter, UK meeting note open admissions of lack of confidence in what have been put forth as land surface temperatures. Untested data should not be used for anything, especially not to demonize, rob and enslave Americans and others. Mr. Pielke deals only with the scientific process:
  • 9/20, from Roger Pielke, Sr.
"There are very important admissions in these presentations.
  • First, outside of the USA, there is inadequate (or no) publicly available information on station histories,
yet these data are still used to create a “homogenized” global average surface temperature trend
  • which reaches up
to the “highest level of government”. Even in the USA,

While the organizers of the Exeter meeting are seeking to retain its leadership role in national and international assessments of the

  • observed magnitude of global warming,

it is clear that serious problems exist in using this data for this purpose. We will post information on several new papers when ready to introduce readers of this weblog to quantification of additional systematic biases in the use of this data for long-term surface land temperature trend assessments.

  • There is a need, however, to accept that the primary metric for assessing global warming and cooling should be upper ocean heat content, since from 2004 onward the spatial coverage is clearly adequate for this purpose (e.g. see).

While there, of course, is a need for regional land surface temperature measurements including anomalies and long-term trends, for obtaining a global average climate system heat content change the oceans are clearly the more appropriate source of this information."...

  • (Noted at Exeter meeting that "'highest levels of government' "are now becoming engaged in the "'nature of surface temperature data'").
  • Continuing from Roger Pielke, Sr. report on Exeter meeting:

"Automation is the only realistic approach to deal with large datasets”

  • “More work is required to assess and quantify uncertainties in bias adjustments”

Critiques of surface temperature data and processing methods are increasingly coming from non traditional scientific sources (non peer reviewed) and the issue raised may be too numerous and too frequent for a small group of traditional scientists to address”

  • There is a growing interest in the nature of surface temperature data (reaching up to the highest levels of government)"
from "Candid Admissions on Shortcomings in the Land Surface Temperature data, [GHCN] and [USHCN] at the September Exeter (UK) Meeting" by Roger Pielke, Sr. , 9/20/10

  • via Climate Depot
P.S. By the 'highest level of government' I trust we all know that means Soros. ed.


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Bribes are how climate guys 'always do business,' UN global warming tax dollars diverted-report

Indonesian climate 'negotiator' at Copenhagen suspect in corruption, says he 'just found $10,000 laying on his table," was told, we always do business this way....Reuters
Jakarta. "The billions of dollars that Indonesia stands to earn every year in climate-change deals could be at risk if it fails to stamp out corruption in its forestry sector, antigraft authorities warn.
  • Norway is preparing to pay the first $30 million of the $1 billion it agreed to give Indonesia as part of
  • a UN scheme in which rich nations will pay developing countries not to clear woodlands."...
  • (TRANSLATION: US and other taxpayers will be robbed blind by corrupt politicians. ed.)
(continuing): "Agus Purnomo, the head of the National Council on Climate Change, has estimated national revenue from emissions cuts could
  • reach $15 billion a year by 2030.
But considerable obstacles stand in the way. Indonesia’s lucrative palm oil plantations and mining sector say the moratorium on converting forests will hinder expansion and profits, while the
  • forestry sector has long had a reputation for mismanagement and graft.
An Ernst & Young audit found that in just four years in the mid-1990s, the reforestation fund lost $5.25 billion through mismanagement and fraud.
  • Antigraft officials are concerned that the
  • vast sums on offer under the
  • UN scheme could lead to further trouble.
“The forestry sector is a source of unlimited corruption,” said Chandra M Hamzah, a deputy chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

Wandojo Siswanto, a senior forestry official who helped negotiate the Norwegian deal and
  • represented Indonesia at the Copenhagen climate talks last year,
  • is a suspect in a corruption case, adding to concerns.
The KPK has spent two years probing allegations that forestry officials, legislators and businessmen at private contractor Masaro Radiokom
  • conspired to ensure the firm won a lucrative radio project.
The KPK estimated it cost the state Rp 70 billion
  • ($7.75 million).
The KPK alleges Wandojo, who was in charge of the procurement project, received $10,000 in bribes from Anggoro Widjojo, a director of Masaro, to ensure the project was included in the Forestry Ministry budget.
  • It says Wandojo awarded the contract to Masaro rather than going through a tender process.
  • A travel ban was imposed on him last year after Copenhagen.
Wandojo maintains his innocence, saying he found the $10,000 on his table, and called Anggoro to ask what the money was for.
  • “I wasn’t brave enough to make a report to the KPK at that time,” he said, adding that he held on to the money for
  • four months before handing it to the authorities.
Wandojo has said his staff pushed to award the contract without holding a tender.
  • “I was advised by my committee that it was conducted every year this way,” he said.
“I was a victim of the situation.”

As part of the same investigation, the KPK last year raided the office of the ministry’s secretary general, Boen Purnama, where they
  • found $20,000 in cash, allegedly also from Anggoro.
Purnama would not comment and has so far not been named a suspect.
  • Anggoro has fled the country since being named a suspect.
The KPK said there was no evidence to suggest forestry officials would try to steal the Norwegian funding, but added Norwegian government officials had asked the KPK to play an oversight role to ensure the money was used properly.
  • The Norwegian International Climate and Forest Initiative, part of the Environment Ministry, said the
  • $1 billion deal was designed in such as way as to reduce the risk of corruption.
“It is an unfortunate fact that there are significant governance challenges, including issues of fiduciary management, in most tropical forest countries,” a statement said. “Clearly, dealing with these challenges is a priority.”
  • Adnan Topan Husodo, a deputy coordinator of Indonesia Corruption Watch, said
a graft suspect should not have been part of the team that negotiated the deal with Norway.
  • “The credibility of the team involved in the agreement is at stake,” he said. “This is huge money we’re talking about.”
Kuntoro Mangkusubroto, who oversees implementation of the deal, said the money would be kept separate from the government budget. "

George Soros in Indonesia in his capacity as a UN 'high level climate' negotiator, speaks with Indonesian President S. Bambamg Yudhoyono, May 13, 2010, Indonesia Press. (What a surprise to find Soros in the middle of this). ed.
  • via Tom Nelson


Monday, September 13, 2010

Bank organized 'quality' carbon offsets throw Indian farmers off their land

4/20/10, "Carbon offsets: Green project offends Indian farmers who lose land to windmills," CS Monitor, by B. Arnoldy
  • "The footprint of one windmill took less than an acre from a corner of Malche's small farm. But the loss means he no longer earns enough farming and now must spend part of the year in another state working in sugar-cane fields. He used to own three sets of clothes, he now makes do with two.

The Dhule project is an example of the dark side of a new industry that harvests profits from green energy and carbon offsets through projects in developing countries.

  • The eco-conscious buyers of carbon offsets rarely see the consequences of the projects.

The environmental payoff has been meager in the Dhule project, which produces significantly less renewable power from the windmills than expected by investors and regulators. In part that's because of

  • theft of windmill parts,

says one company that bought into the project, Essel Mining. The overall project, developed by Suzlon Energy Ltd.,

  • has spawned legal battles,

a government investigation into deals involving tribal lands, and a cloud of acrimony and accusations.

All of this was news to Rabobank, a Dutch consortium that bought 175,000 tons of carbon offsets in 2008 to help the company become carbon neutral, says Bouwe Taverne, head of

9/8/10, Big league sports easily bought with eco-guilt.
then with the aura of the sport and elite athletes you sell fans on the myth of CO2 endangerment and carbon offsets. Dressed up as caring about the environment, small children, helpless animals, requiring pious self loathing and abandonment of a lifestyle for which
  • evil Americans have stupidly worked, sacrificed, and died. ed.

  • via Climate Depot

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Friday, September 10, 2010

RGGI cap & trade extracts $622 million from economy of 10 northeast states in mandatory program-Goldman Sachs, hedge funds run the show

Northeast states RGGI cap and trade model eyed in west and midwestern US to make cap and trade "law of the land without an act of congress."

7/28/10,"The secrets 10 states and Wall Street don't want you to know," by Mark Lagerkvist, NJ Watchdog

"Secrecy and greed are polluting the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, the nation’s first
  • mandatory cap-and-trade system.
Under the RGGI scheme, the smell of profiteering is powerful. New Jersey and nine other Northeast states have sold

The bidders at RGGI auctions include Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, JPMorgan Chase and other Wall Street heavyweights. They hope to make

  • big money by speculating on the price of permits, called allowances.

Electric power plants are required to obtain an allowance for each ton of CO-2 they emit.

  • But exactly who is buying what at these auctions? How much of the carbon market have they cornered?

What effect will the wheeling and dealing have on the electricity bills paid by consumers?

  • That’s none of our business, according to the bureaucrats in charge.

They denied New Jersey Watchdog’s Open Public Records Act requests for auction details,

  • contending the bidders’ “expectation of privacy” and
  • “trade secrets”
  • outweigh the public right to know.

RGGI executive director Jonathan Schrag claims RGGI is not a “public body” subject to state open records laws – even though it’s

The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection contends it

Reached by telephone while vacationing, Schrag expressed surprise at NJDEP’s statement. He said RGGI provides details of auction particulars to all 10 states.

“Balancing the interests of the ten signatory states…and the potential harm to the performance of the auctions against the private right to access and disclosure of such documents, the private right to access would be outweighed by the public interest in confidentiality of any records maintained by RGGI Inc.,” concluded NJDEP.

When Schrag returned from vacation, he declined New Jersey Watchdog’s request for an interview. According to RGGI records,

  • even weeks, months or years after the auctions are over.

RGGI’s secrecy sharply contrasts the transparent approach of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in similar auctions. For the past 18 years, the EPA has been selling allowances for acid rain, also known as sulfur dioxide or SO-2.

  • After each annual auction, the EPA posts the particulars on its Internet site. Going back to 1994, the agency has disclosed all buyers, their bids and the number of SO-2 permits each purchased. Starting with 2003, those reports have been expanded to include information on unsuccessful bidders and their bids.

The EPA’s auction experience directly contradicts NJDEP’s claim that disclosure of the so-called “trade secrets” could somehow cause “harm to the performance of the auctions.” In fact,

RGGI pretends its scheme provides “the maximum level of public disclosure.” For each quarterly auction, it releases aggregate totals and statistics in a report by an $185,000-a-year consultant who invariably concludes “the auction was administered in a fair and transparent manner” with “no material concerns regarding the auction process.”

  • But there is no disclosure of the auction winners and how many governmental CO-2 permits they purchased.

Instead, RGGI publishes lists of potential bidders who submitted “intent to bid” applications. The lists offer a glimpse of whose trade secrets RGGI is keeping confidential.

The most conspicuous are the financial power brokers who generate money, not electricity. The most recent list includes

  • Morgan Stanley Capital Group, Merrill Lynch Commodities, Barclays Bank and Louis Dreyfus Energy Services.
  • Previous auctions have included JP Morgan Ventures Energy and
  • Goldman Sachs, through its J Arons & Co. subsidiary.

At RGGI auctions, the utilities that need the CO-2 allowances must compete against private interests that can profit by driving prices up. The scheme affects the 209 electric generating plants with capacities of 25 megawatts or more.

“The electric power sector will be vulnerable to competition from hedge funds and other financial institutions and entities that may drive up the price of RGGI allowances,” a PSEG Public Services Corp. official complained to regulators in a 2007 letter.

  • “The result will be higher energy prices.”

With 14 power plants in RGGI states – including 11 in New Jersey PSEG has estimated it needs to purchase 16 million permits a year to cover its carbon emissions.

Electric customers in the Northeast have yet to feel much of RGGI’s impact. During the recession, carbon dioxide emissions fell along with the demand for electricity. As a result, CO-2 allowances are abundant and relatively cheap. Prices for current permits at RGGI auctions have dropped from $3.51 per CO-2 ton in March 2009 to $1.88 in July.

That is likely to change with the economy – and particularly when RGGI lowers the cap by reducing the number of permits available. As demand and prices rise, speculators are likely to flock to carbon auctions in increasing numbers.

  • The financial industry is preparing a marketplace to handle billions and trillions of dollars of deals – a hot new category of investments to make everyone forget about sub-prime mortgages.

Derivative investments vehicles based on carbon dioxide emissions and RGGI permits are already available through two secondary markets –

Those markets are backed by giants in the financial world. The Green Exchange (GreenEx) is owned by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse and other equity partners. The Chicago Climate Futures Exchange (CCFC) was recently purchased by IntercontinentalExchange Inc. (ICE), which operates the world’s largest energy trading platform.

Though Congress failed to pass legislation for a nationwide system, RGGI ensures that cap-and-trade remains alive in the U.S.

  • The scheme has friends in high places, both on Wall Street and within the Obama Administration.

EPA Commissioner Lisa P. Jackson was first vice-chair of RGGI in 2008 while head of NJDEP.

  • RGGI is the prototype for two other mandatory regional systems scheduled to start in 2012.

The Midwestern Greenhouse Gas Reduction Accord will bring cap-and-trade to Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa and Kansas. The Western Climate Initiative adds California, Oregon, Washington, Arizona, Mexico, Utah and Montana – plus British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec. Manitoba is a member of both cooperatives.

The bottom line: A cap-and-trade system that favors secrecy over public disclosure – and Wall Street over consumers –

  • now has the inside track to become the de facto law of the land,
  • even without an act of Congress."
"The secrets 10 states and Wall Street don't want you to know," by Mark Lagerkvist, NJ Watchdog, 7/28/10, photo above from NJ Watchdog



Thursday, September 02, 2010

Profits from carbon trading to be taxed in India beginning in 2012

9/2, "Carbon Credits to be Taxed in New Regime," Hindu Business Line by K.R. Srivals

"Sale proceeds of carbon credits will not escape tax when the new Direct Taxes Code comes into effect from April 1, 2012.

  • This is because the DTC Bill 2010 has explicitly stated that money received or receivable from transfer of carbon credits
  • will be treated as business income and taxed accordingly.

Such a provision if enacted will remove the current uncertainty surrounding the taxation of carbon credits, say tax experts.


In the existing income tax law, there is no explicit provision that brings transfer of carbon credits under the tax net. In the absence of an explicit provision, there were disagreements between companies and the tax department on the taxability of carbon credits.

It was often contended that cash credits were in the nature of capital receipts and therefore could not be subjected to income tax. There were also sections that considered carbon credits as revenue receipts and hence felt that it should be subjected to tax.

  • The availability of tax incentives (profit linked deductions) for certain industries also complicated the issue of taxability of carbon credits.

However, the DTC Bill has now proposed to move away from profit linked deductions in respect of most segments except in the case of SEZ developers and SEZ units.

“The current income tax law has no provision on carbon credits. It is a grey area. However, the DTC Bill has sought to clarify the position and clearly mentions that

  • carbon credit sale will be categorised as business income.

So under the proposed regime, carbon credits will be treated as revenue receipts and will also attract tax,” Mr Sameer Kanabar, Tax Director, Ernst & Young, told Business line.

Moving backward

Some industry observers, however, contend that bringing carbon credits into tax net may be a retrograde step as it will discourage corporates from working towards reduction in carbon emissions and preventing global warming.

  • China and India account for about 75 per cent of the carbon credits issued,

according to the United Nations Framework for Climate Change.

  • Many Indian corporates had in the recent years earned tidy profits from carbon credit trade,

but had not provided for any tax in the books of accounts

  • in the absence of specific provision in the income tax law."

via Tom Nelson
