Saturday, July 29, 2006

From Boston Globe Ethics Rules, as of 7/29/06

"48. Staff members and others on assignment for us may not collaborate in ventures with individuals or organizations that have figured or are likely to figure in their coverage. Among other things, this prohibition applies to writing books, pamphlets, reports, scripts, scores or any other material and to making photographs or creating artwork of any sort.
  • Buster Olney works for the Globe's parent company, the NY Times, and wrote a book on the Yankees while covering them, published it, and remained an employee of the Times. How is this in compliance with ethics? WHY WOULD ANY TEAM ALLOW SOME REPORTER TO HAVE COVETED ACCESS TO THEIR PRIVATE LOCKER ROOM FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROFITING FROM PERSONAL CONVERSATIONS, ETC.?
  • The Boston Herald is a different company, but isn't Tony Massarotti writing a book on David Ortiz? Remember Tony's comments about Ortiz' in relation to the MVP vote last year? But, there's no conflict, right?


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